To draw an arbitrary polygon, click this icon, then click where you want the first polygon vertex to be. Continue clicking at each successive vertex. When done, double-click to end the polygon.
Regular Polygon tool
To draw a regular polygon (convex with equal length sides), click this icon, then drag in the card. Use the ΓÇ£Polygon Sides...ΓÇ¥ item in the Options menuΓÇöor set the ΓÇ£polySidesΓÇ¥ propertyΓÇöto change the number of sides.
Text tool
To type text on the card, click this icon, then click where you want the text to be. Next type the text. Use the ΓÇ£Text Style...ΓÇ¥ item in the Edit menu to change paint text style.
Curve tool
To draw a region filled with the current pattern, check the ΓÇ£Draw FilledΓÇ¥ item in the Options menu then click this icon. Next drag the region. It will be filled when you release the mouse.
Oval tool
To draw an oval, click this icon, then drag the oval.
Tip: To draw a circleΓÇöor a square when using the rectangle toolΓÇöhold down the shift key while dragging.
Bucket tool
To fill an area with a pattern, click this icon, then click the area you want to fill.
Tip: Double-click this tool to show the Patterns window.
Round Rectangle tool
To draw a round rectangle, click this icon, then drag the round rect.
Tip: To draw the edges of a shape using the current pattern, hold down the option key while dragging.
Rectangle tool
To draw a rectangle, click this icon and drag from one corner to the opposite one.
When the ΓÇ£Draw CenteredΓÇ¥ Options menu item is checked, shapes are centered on the click location.
To draw a squareΓÇöhold down the shift key when dragging.
Spray tool
To spray random pixels of paint on the card, click this icon, then drag.
Tip: To spray in the current pattern, hold down the option key while dragging.
Line tool
To draw a straight line, click this icon, then drag from the start to the end point.
Tip: To constrain the line slope to 15 degree increments, hold down the shift key while dragging.
Eraser tool
To erase paint, click this icon, then drag over the paint you want to erase.
Tip: To erase all paint, double-click this icon.
Brush tool
To paint with a brush shape, click this icon, then drag the brush cursor. To change brushes, use the ΓÇ£Brush Shape...ΓÇ¥ item in the Options menu or double-click this icon.
Tip: To erase with the brush, hold down the command key while dragging.
Pencil tool
To paint a free-form line, click this icon, then drag the line.
Tip: To draw horizontal or vertical lines, hold down the shift key while dragging.
Lasso Selection tool
To select an arbitrary region of paint, click this icon, then drag around the picture you want to select.
Rectangle Selection tool
To select a rectangular paint area, click this icon, then drag a rectangle surrounding the wanted area.
Field tool
This tool is used to reposition and edit fields. This tool is not available in the HyperCard Player.
Button tool
This tool is used to reposition and edit buttons. This tool is not available in the HyperCard Player.
Browse tool
Use this tool when browsing a stackΓÇöthat is, when clicking buttons, using menus, scrolling text, or typing in fields.
Tip: Command-Tab returns you to the browse tool.
Tools window
Not available because the Tools menu is disabled.
Patterns window
Not available because the Patterns menu is disabled.
Patterns window
Click a pattern to make it the current pattern. This pattern will be used by the brush, bucket, and filled shape tools. The chosen pattern can then be edited by using the ΓÇ£Edit Pattern...ΓÇ¥ item in the Options menu.
Scroll window
To resize the active stack's window, drag at the edges and corners of the inset rectangle. To scroll the window, position the mouse over the inset rectangle and drag.
Fatbits window
This window shows the actual size view of your fatbits edit. To return to actual size, click in this window.
Message box
To find text on a card in the active stack, type a Find command in this window or use item ΓÇ£FindΓÇ¥ in the Go menu. The HyperCard Player does not support other commands in the message box.